A nurse walks with two nurse administrators who received a Master of Nursing.
Master of Science in Nursing/Business Administration (M.S.N./M.B.A.) Joint Degree

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Nebraska Wesleyan University
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 827-1554
graduateadmissions [at] iin3d.com (graduateadmissions[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Master of Science in Nursing/Business Administration (M.S.N./M.B.A.) Joint Degree

MSN/MBA Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission to the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program, students must meet all general eligibility requirements of Nebraska Wesleyan University.

In addition to meeting specific admission prerequisites for the RN to MSN program or BSN to MSN program, applicants must submit the following to complete the application process:

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from an ACEN-, CCNE- or CNEA-accredited nursing program with a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Unencumbered active state nursing license (with expiration date)
  • Free online application
  • Undergraduate transcripts
    Contact your degree granting institution and request that they send an official transcript to the appropriate address below. to the following address.

    MSN Program
    Nebraska Wesleyan University
    5000 Saint Paul Avenue
    Lincoln, NE 68504
  • NWU graduate transcript request
    If you graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan and did not transfer in any courses from another institution, you do not need to request transcripts from NWU.
  • Completion of a background check and drug screen
  • Two references
    Upload the names and email addresses of two education or work-related associates. We will send your references an online form to complete in support of your application.
  • Résumé
    Upload your résumé.
  • Personal goals statement
    In 300-500 words, describe your reason for pursuing an MBA or MSN/MBA. What professional, personal and educational goals do you hope to achieve? What strengths will you bring to Nebraska Wesleyan’s MBA program? You may upload your personal goal statement or enter it in your online application for admission.
  • Two years’ work experience
    Show your work experience on your résumé. Other relevant factors such as undergraduate GPA or internships may serve to meet this requirement.

ACCT 5010 Accounting for Decision Making (3 hours)

This course provides the skills needed to understand the financial reports of organizations. The objective is to develop the ability to make the decisions in the financial reporting process and to develop the ability to evaluate and use accounting data.  Emphasis is placed on understanding the breadth of accounting measurement practices and on being able to make the adjustments necessary for careful analysis.  The course highlights the linkages between accounting information and management planning, and decision making.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the graduate program.

BUSAD 5000 Mentoring Experience (0 hours)

This online course documents the students’ participation in the MBA Mentoring Program. Students will benefit from collaborating with their mentors about both their personal and professional goals. Students will be given a variety of activities to complete with their mentor. Students must complete this course twice during their program. P/F Only.
Prerequisite(s): BUSAD 5030 Self-Awareness, Adaptability, and Authenticity.

BUSAD 5010 The Language of Business (2 hours)

This course will provide an overview of key topics and concepts used in business disciplines, such as accounting, economics and finance. An understanding of these topics will help students solve business problems by developing their analytical skills. This course also covers other skills required to be successful, including written and oral communications, spreadsheets and networking. Students should complete this course in their first two terms in the MBA.
Recommended to be taken prior to ACCT 5010 Accounting for Decision Making and ECON 5030 Managerial Economics.

BUSAD 5030 Self-Awareness, Adaptability, and Authenticity (1 hour)

This course focuses on the skills and characteristics top executives look for in MBA graduates that aren't related to specific discipline, such as adaptability, self-awareness and strategic thinking. Learners will perform self-assessments, set goals, build community and develop leadership skills. In addition, students will begin the mentoring program in this course. This course should be completed in the first two terms of a student's program.

BUSAD 5040 Managerial Finance (3 hours)

This course exposes students to major financial principles, concepts and financial techniques of corporate finance as applied to management decision-making. Some of these concepts include the risk/return trade-off, time value of money, asset valuation, the cost of capital and the capital budgeting process. The objective of this course is to develop an understanding of the financial principles and concepts, understand how they are used and their limitations, and to provide students with the analytical tools to make the decisions when managing a company's financial resources. Emphasis is placed on the application of this information and students' ability to analyze a company's financial condition and make recommendations for future actions. 
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 5010 Accounting for Decision Making and ECON 5030 Managerial Economics.

BUSAD 5110 Marketing Management (3 hours)

Applies major elements of the marketing process, strategic planning, and the development of an effective marketing mix to create customer value. Analyzes key marketing concepts, such as consumer/buyer behavior, market research, brand management, product development, pricing strategies, and the design of marketing channels. Examines the integration of marketing with other functions in a business organization.

BUSAD 5260 Organizational Behavior (3 hours)

Provides a conceptual basis for managers to interpret, assess, and influence human behavior in an organization. Analyzes the interaction of individual, group, and organizational dynamics that influence human behavior in organizations and determines appropriate management approaches to foster a productive work environment. Examines a variety of theories, models and strategies used to understand motivation and individual behavior, decision making, the dynamics of groups, work teams, communication, leadership, power and politics, conflict resolution, work design, organizational structure and culture, and managing change.

BUSAD 5350 Social Entrepreneurship (3 hours)

Social Entrepreneurship is an intense introduction and immersion into the development and implementation of social entrepreneur enterprises. We will introduce students into the development of managing and expanding social entrepreneurial projects/enterprises.

ECON 5030 Managerial Economics (3 hours)

This course is an overview of how economic theory is applied to evaluating and making decisions and understanding decisions of others. It will cover the basics of the classical microeconomic analysis: supply and demand model and its applications under different assumptions about the market structure. Among topics covered are also more complex pricing strategies and decision making under uncertainty, elements of game theory and its applications to analyzing decision making.

HCMGT 5250 Ethics in Health Care and Business (3 hours)

This course provides an overview of the ethical issues leaders will face in the healthcare management and business environments. Students will explore case scenarios that examine the ethical decision-making of health care providers and others working in health care facilities. Students will develop skills for applying deliberation tools and frameworks to a wide variety of topics including: realms of ethics, shared-decision-making, quality/safety/compliance, healthcare disparities, research ethics, care for the vulnerable and marginalized, and public health.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN/MBA program.

HCMGT 5750 Human Resource and Capital Management (3 hours)

This course introduces graduate students to advanced concepts in strategic human resource management and capital management. Concepts related to decision making in both strategic human resources and capital management will be explored and applied in this course. Students will compile, plan, and develop projects relevant to today's healthcare industry.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN/MBA program, and NURS 5400 Nursing Leadership and Management I and NURS 5420 Finance and Accounting in Health Care System.

HCMGT 5880 IRB Submission (1 hour)

This course requires students to develop the major project proposal and submit the proposal to the Institutional Review Board. Projects may be implementation of evidence-based practice, quality improvement or research projects.

Prerequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing, NURS 5020 Health Care Statistics, NURS 5050 Research and Evidence Based Practice in Nursing and Health Care, NURS 5150 Concepts and Theories in Nursing, or permission of the Nursing Department Chair or Program Director. Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 5990 Major Project in Nursing.

HCMGT 5890 Seminar in Healthcare Management (3 hours)

This interactive class provides students with an overview of concepts and current issues related to healthcare leadership at the health system level.  Concepts that impact advanced management of healthcare services, such as strategic planning, administration, economic health policy, human resources, and clinical services will be fully explored with in-class and online discussions.  Through examination and open discussion of management topics and healthcare transformation, students will explore and learn the skills and knowledge needed to be a successful leader in an ever- increasing diverse healthcare environment. 
Prerequisite(s): NURS 5400 Nursing Leadership and Management I and ECON 5030 Managerial Economics.

HCMGT 5990 Health Care Management Capstone (2 hours)

See NURS 5990 Major Project in Nursing.

NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing (1 hour)

This course includes experiences and instruction that promote professional communication. Content includes correct utilization of the American Psychological Association (APA) style, construction of professional papers and emails, and using common presentation software. This course is designed to be taken either concurrently or before the first nursing course in which the student is enrolled at Nebraska Wesleyan University.

NURS 5020 Health Care Statistics (3 hours)

This course examines selected concepts needed to develop sound judgment about data analysis and appropriate use of statistics. The course prepares students to interpret and critically analyze the results of health care research.

NURS 5050 Research and Evidence Based Practice in Nursing and Health Care (3 hours)

This course focuses on quantitative and qualitative research areas and methods used in health care. Analysis of the research process and application of research findings to health care will be emphasized. Students will design a best practice proposal related to an identified problem in nursing, health outcomes of a specific population or nursing education. At the end of the course students will have completed a literature review and methods section for a research project.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and NURS 5020 Health Care Statistics, or permission of the Nursing Department Chair or Program Director.
Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5100 Transcultural Health Care (3 hours)

This course analyzes the social, political, economic and cultural factors related to transcultural health care. Students will examine the interactions of consumers, providers and health care systems in the provision of quality health care with an emphasis on provision of culturally competent care.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN, MSN/MBA, or MBA program or permission of Nursing Department Chair or Program Director.
Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5120 Advanced Nursing Practice (3 hours)

This course will emphasize the integration and application of advanced health assessment techniques, evidence-based pharmacology practices and knowledge of pathophysiology to promote excellent direct patient care. The course is organized using the top mortality and morbidity categories for the United States of America, as well as the social determinants of health. This course incorporates ethical and cultural considerations across the life span. The 45-contact hour Clinical Practicum provides an opportunity for students to deliver direct patient care at the master's level to strengthen his/her patient care delivery skills. Faculty and preceptors facilitate clinical practice experiences that focus on complex assessment and treatment of clients. Students will present direct patient care findings from a variety of settings.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program or permission of Nursing Department Chair or Program Director.
Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5150 Concepts and Theories in Nursing (3 hours)

This course examines selected concepts and theories that are derived from nursing and other disciplines for applicability to practice in a variety of health care settings. Strategies used in applying and evaluating nursing theories in relation to providing care will be discussed.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program or permission of the Nursing Department Chair or Program Director.
Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5400 Nursing Leadership and Management I (3 hours)

This course examines the multiple roles of the nurse executive in a variety of health care organizations, including long term care, community based care, hospitals and larger integrated delivery systems. Students develop knowledge in the area of health care regulations and accreditation including the impact of technology in the health care environment.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and permission of the Nursing department chair or program director.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5420 Finance and Accounting in Health Care System (3 hours)

This course provides an overview of the concepts of financial analysis, financial and managerial accounting, and budgetary practices as they relate to the health care industry. Accounting concepts are understood with the assistance of electronic spreadsheet applications. Financial concepts are understood through the analysis of both for-profit and not-for-profit corporate accounting and public reporting.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and permission of the Nursing department chair or program director.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5460 Nursing Leadership and Management II (3 hours)

This course examines the leadership role of the nurse executive in a variety of health care organizations. Content includes leadership theories, motivation, conflict resolution, workforce planning, implementing planned change and effective administration of culturally diverse health care systems.

Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSN or MSN/MBA program and permission of the Nursing department chair or program director.

Pre- or Corequisite(s): NURS 5010 Professional Communication in Nursing.

NURS 5470 Practicum in Nursing Administration (3 hours)

This course provides the student with experience functioning within selected components of the role of the nurse executive in a variety of health care organizations, including long term care, community based care, hospitals, and larger integrated delivery systems. Students are paired with a nurse executive or case manager with a mutually agreed upon agency.  This course includes a 90-contact hour practicum experience.
Prerequisite(s): NURS 5200 Critical Issues in Health Care, NURS 5400 Nursing Leadership and Management I, NURS 5410 Economic Policy in Health Care System, NURS 5420 Finance and Accounting in Health Care System, and NURS 5460 Nursing Leadership and Management II.